
CISO-as-a-Service is your answer to a full-time CISO

Experience the focus, governance, and leadership of a Chief Information Security Officer with decreased cost and increased accountability

Security is a very dynamic concern, it’s never the same for anyone and varies depending on the size of the organization, the vertical or the industry that you are in. Thus requiring a custom approach to be taken by each organization. A Chief Security Officer (CISO) therefore comes in as an accountable, c-level counterpart to CIOs,and other C-level executives with high trust responsibility. A CISO comes in with a focussed goal to drive a security program that has an eye towards governance, risk management, change management, and operations. The role involves dedicated efforts towards each of the steps in the entire Lifecycle of Security Management; be it

  • Protect/Shield
  • Monitor/Hunt
  • Recover/Sustain
  • Govern/Manage

Information Security is no longer restricted to the IT department today, but it is a priority with public ramifications. Where major enterprises typically face the volume of strategic security challenges to justify a full-time CISO, smaller companies often find themselves in need, but not 100% of the time. Mid-size firms are facing a completely different conundrum; while being the eye of the cyber-crime whirlwind where cyber criminals want to make the best use of their unorganized manner of dealing with Enterprise Security; theyare still reluctant to invest in the expense of a full-time CISO, on a ‘just-in-case’ basis. In such scenarios Security Managers and the operational IT teams are the ones owning the security and compliance strategy. While it can be an interim arrangement that might/might not work, the skill set required is surely no match to a CISO.

So, in such a case what should an Enterprise do who surely needs a CISO but at a decreased Cost and increased accountability?

Explore Your Solution with Cymune’s CISO-as-a-Service Offering

Cymune’s CISO-as-a-Service offers a new approach to security management

  • Allowing you to apply a consumption based model for having the expert oversight and strategic guidance of a CISO
  • Allowing organisations to have a strategy for security
  • Helping to build and maintain an information security management system and take a holistic, risk-driven approach to protecting vital assets
  • Coordination and management of incident response from an unbiased, independent perspective

One of the most crucial advantage that you can leverage with us is our expanse of industry expertise; we have been in the industry for over two decades and have handled the length and breadth of security issues. Our virtual CISOs have decades of real-world security experience and are available on-site or virtually depending on your requirements. We are a flexible and cost-effective alternative to a full-time CISO. You have the benefit of a multifaceted security team that can identify and mitigate vulnerabilities, establish security best practices, and implement the right technology to protect your business operations.

VCISO Offerings

Cymune’s CISO-as-a-Service Offering Scope

  • Comprehensive, scalable security program with strategic guidance on how to protect against advanced threats
  • Identity and Access Management Security Architecture Design and deployment
  • Security Planning: Initial plans and priority development, progress-tracking and industry trend updates
  • Architect On-Demand Access: Ongoing access to Cyber and Information Security Architect for input and design

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