Today, a growing number of organizations are subject to industry, government and regulatory standards. These regulations were born out of a genuine need to protect valuable applications and data, and to ensure continuity of service. Enterprises today need automated assessment of security and compliance controls in order to demonstrate a repeatable and trackable process to auditors and stakeholders.
Preparing for compliance audits is a painstaking, labour-intensive activity. By the time an issue is found through an audit and is remedied, the threat may have gone unaddressed for months.Continuous risk visibility, automated assessment, and prescriptive remediation guidance enable teams to remediate risk faster, reducing cyberattack surface, improving security posture, and lowering the risk of breach.
Continuous compliance can’t be achieved in the data centre alone. It requires people, processes, expertise and tools to come together in order to achieve a state of continuous compliance. That is where we come in, Cymune helps you achieve compliance and increased security across your IT and business environments, and then maintains that on an ongoing basis for you. With constantly evolving regulatory mandates, industry best practices, and the increasing complexity in today’s IT environments, you need the clarity, control and flexibility that we can provide to automate assessment of security and compliance controls.
While Continuous Compliance and Assurance is a must for a modern day Enterprise like yours and it will help you be a Compliant Ready Enterprise. We do not want you stopping with just that, when you can achieve so much more with a Zero Trust Network. Check out our Zero Trust Network offerings.